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Truth about male infertility

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Advanced Urology Infertility

Infertility problems are no longer a rare phenomenon and reports suggest that out of 10 couples, 2 are suffering from problems with conceiving. It was not very long back that infertility was considered as a female factor.

Infertility problems are no longer a rare phenomenon and reports suggest that out of 10 couples, 2 are suffering from problems with conceiving. It was not very long back that infertility was considered as a female factor; however, the recent developments show that in over 20% of the total cases of infertility, the problem is with the sperm and not the egg.

We all know that it takes an egg and a sperm to meet and create a baby. The failure of any of them can cause infertility. The recent development suggests that in most of the cases, it is the male sperm that is the root cause of the problem. Here are some details that you need to know about male infertility.

What causes male infertility?

There are various factors responsible for male infertility, including physical, hormonal, genetic, or immunologic problems. It can also be a result of some long-time chronic illness or a sexual condition that hinders the natural flow and disposal of semen in the vagina.

Sperm production is widely affected by chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and more. In fact, smoking and drinking a large amount of alcohol is a leading reason for male infertility in modern times.

Semen analysis

Semen analysis is a test that is used to diagnose the male infertility condition. It is a comprehensive test that analyses a range of factors including the number of sperm, the quantity of ejaculate, percentage of moving sperm, shape of individual sperm and more. The test is focused on assessing the amount of moving and living sperm, also known as total motile count, in an ejaculate sample.

Advance testing

While semen analysis is a very efficient tool to find the possible causes of male infertility, there are other advanced tests that must be performed. In case the brain does not signal the testes to make sperm, the body will have low production. This is a condition where hormones play a significant role. The advanced tests focus on measuring these hormones and finding out the possible cause.

Treatment for male infertility

The treatment that you get for your male infertility condition depends upon the count of your sperm. From “intrauterine insemination” or “IUI” to in vitro fertilization, the doctors may recommend the best treatment option based on your condition. Often, mild infertility is treated through medication or hormone therapy. In case the reason for infertility lies with some physical condition, the doctors also suggest surgery as a possible treatment option.

Male infertility cases are at a rise and there are plenty of reasons that contribute to it. It is best to contact a doctor as soon as the problem is experienced and seek treatment instantly. Any inhibition about opening up about the condition can cause a severe problem and hinder the chances to avail the best treatment.

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