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Female Urinary Incontinence – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

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Female urinary incontinence is a medical condition in which females experience involuntary loss of urine. The condition ranges from mild to severe, wherein women either lose a few drops of urine while coughing or sneezing or may have a strong sudden urge to urinate, which is often uncontrollable. In certain women, both types of incontinence are observed.

Female urinary incontinence is a medical condition in which females experience involuntary loss of urine. The condition ranges from mild to severe, wherein women either lose a few drops of urine while coughing or sneezing or may have a strong sudden urge to urinate, which is often uncontrollable. In certain women, both types of incontinence are observed. Incontinence causes great public discomfort as the notion of urinating in public is often embarrassing. Moreover, it can also happen while you are having sexual intercourse, which makes the condition even worse.

What are the different types of Female Urinary Incontinence?

Female Urinary Incontinence is primarily of 7 types and affects women of different ages and physical conditions. This includes:

  • Stress incontinence: Stress caused because of any physical activity such as coughing, sneezing, or exercising causes incontinence.
  • Urge incontinence: This is a condition when an urge to urinate is uncontrollable. Such women lose a large amount of urine, including during sleep.
  • Overactive bladder incontinence: Frequent urge topee or urge to urinate.
  • Functional incontinence: Several reasons such as physical disability, internal obstacle, and more contribute towards untimely urination.
  • Overflow incontinence: Full bladder results in leakage of small amounts of urine.
  • Mixed incontinence: A combination of stress and urge incontinence
  • Transient incontinence: A temporary problem with urination that passes out with time.

What are the common symptoms of female urinary incontinence?

The symptoms of different types of incontinence are different; however, in each case, one or other cause makes you lose urine involuntarily. The symptoms may range from the loss of a small amount of urine to large quantities.

What are the causes of female urinary incontinence?

Female Urinary Incontinence cannot be treated as a disease. It is but a condition that may be permanent or temporary. It is mostly a side-effect of any underlying physical or medical problem.

Causes of temporary incontinence

There are certain food and beverages that act as diuretics. These include:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Sparkling water
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Chocolate
  • Chili peppers
  • Spicy, Sugary or acidy food
  • Heart and blood pressure medications, sedatives, and muscle relaxants
  • Large doses of vitamin C

Besides this, Urinary Tract Infection, as well as constipation, can also result in Female Urinary Incontinence.

Persistent urinary incontinence

These are often an outcome of an underlying medical or physical conditions. Such conditions comprise of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Changes with age, menopause, hysterectomy, obstruction, or neurological disorders.

How is female urinary incontinence diagnosed?

The doctors determine the type of incontinence with your symptoms. They will also examine your medical history as well as recommend some physical tests. The common diagnostic tests used are:

  • Urinalysis: A urine test is performed to check for any infection, traces of blood, and other abnormalities.
  • Bladder Diary: A log is maintained about the amount of water you drink, the amount of urine you pass, when you urinate, urge that you feel, and the incontinence episode that occurs in between.
  • Post-void Residual Treatment: This is a detailed test in which the patient is asked to urinate in a container. The amount of leftover urine in the bladder is checked by the doctor using a catheter or an ultrasound test.

What is the treatment of female urinary incontinence?

The doctors will advise you on the best decision as per your condition and symptoms. Commonly recommended treatment options for female urinary incontinence include:

  • Behavioral techniques
  • Medication
  • Medical devices
  • Interventional therapies
  • Surgery

Expert doctors suggest surgery as a reliable treatment for incontinence that is persistent and severe in nature. We are the best hospital to approach for female urinary incontinence. Our expert doctors have performed several successful surgeries. If you are dealing with an incontinence problem, connect with us.

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