As men become older, they can generally experience discomfort in their urinary system that can consequently lead to prostate enlargement. If not treated at an early stage, it can cause severe complications.
Initial detection of related symptoms, learning about the causes and undergoing necessary treatments with the proper guidance of the best urologist will assist you in overcoming this issue efficiently and living a better quality of life.
In this guide, we will discover the early symptoms, causes, associated complications, and treatment solutions that prevail for prostate enlargement.
Briefly understanding prostate enlargement.
It is referred to as a tiny, walnut-sized gland found beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is highly responsible for releasing fluid that maintains and transfers sperm at the time of ejaculation. However, as the man ages, this gland can grow more prominent, which can put pressure on the urethra and may lead to complications with urination. Therefore, this is recognized as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
BPH is not cancerous but can definitely lead to severe pain and difficulties if not treated beforehand.
Initial symptoms of prostate enlargement
Knowing about the symptoms of prostate enlargement at the beginning is essential for exploring timely medical treatments. The pretty evident symptoms include:
- Frequent urination: If you wake up several times, especially at night, you must visit a lab for necessary tests as soon as possible, as it is the most common sign of BPH.
- Poor urine flow: As the prostate becomes more extensive, it can block urine flow from the body. You can experience a weak or disturbed urine flow, making it hard to empty your bladder entirely.
- Finding it hard to urinate: If you are finding it hard even to start urination, then it is a clear sign of prostate enlargement. In this situation, you may feel an urgency to go to the restroom but discover hesitation in beginning urination.
- Improper bladder emptying: Even after several trips to the restroom, if you have an enlarged prostate, you may feel like your bladder is not entirely empty, causing irritation and uneasiness.
Therefore, if you are discovering any of the symptoms mentioned above in your body, then it is high time to consult a skilled urologist in Ludhiana to detect if prostate enlargement is the main reason.
Prominent causes of prostate enlargement
Although the specific reason for prostate enlargement is not ultimately detected, numerous factors may participate in developing BPH:
- Hormonal imbalance: Hormonal changes, specifically including testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, are considered to be crucial in enlarging the prostate. Therefore, with the passage of time, the testosterone in men decreases, but DHT keeps on producing, resulting in an enlargement of the prostate.
- Increasing age: The possibility of prostate enlargement inclines gradually with age. It is often seen in men crossing 50, and it can become more severe as they age.
- Lifestyle aspects: Inactive or poor lifestyles, unhealthy diet, obesity and excessive alcohol intake are directly linked to a higher risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). However, engaging in regular physical activities such as going to the gym, yoga, exercising, and maintaining a nutritious diet may reduce this risk.
Associated complications of prostate enlargement
If not taken seriously, prostate enlargement may further cause severe complications:
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Improper bladder emptying may possibly escalate the risk of urinary tract infections, as static urine develops the chances for bacteria to proliferate.
- Affecting kidney: In complicated cases, BPH can directly affect your kidney because of severe pressure from urine retention, resulting in urine accumulating in the kidneys. This condition may cause swelling and risk damage to the renal structures.
- Bladder damage: As men age, the bladder may become weak or sustain damage because of pressure to expel urine through the constricted urethra. It can cause issues like improper urine or the formation of bladder stones.
Treatment solutions for prostate enlargement
- Alterations in lifestyle: If you are discovering early symptoms, manageable changes in your lifestyle can help eradicate distress. Intake of less fluid at night, quitting caffeine or alcohol, and doing bladder exercises may help you maintain these symptoms.
- Prostate enlargement surgery: For difficult cases of BPH, prostate enlargement surgery can be a beneficial option. If you choose RG Stone, we guarantee you an accurate and successful surgery where we extract the increased part of the prostate. We assure you that the result-oriented treatment offers long-haul relief from severe symptoms.
Heal from prostate enlargement with RG Stone.
Prostate enlargement, while usual, can severely impact a man’s overall health and lifestyle. However, by consulting with the certified, highly experienced doctors and consultants at RG Stone, you can detect these initial symptoms, learn about the causes, etc. They can further suggest suitable medications or treatments to remove this problem entirely from your body.
Additionally, our best urologists will provide exceptional treatments acquainted with advanced techniques and innovation. We specialize in offering less invasive treatments for conditions such as Gall Bladder Stones, Hernia Repair, Uterine Fibroids, prostate enlargement surgery and more.
We work with unique and advanced technology. Also, we offer health insurance so you can focus on your health in an emergency and not stress about unexpected expenses. We received certification from the Guinness World Records for successfully treating the largest kidney stone using endoscopic methods. So, stop wandering and book an appointment with us today.